Friday, November 20, 2009

Details in the fabric

At last what i hold of yours
is a hand full of materials made out of cotton
The smell and the feel refreshes my memory,
and brings you back to me.
I take hold of this fabric and hold it close to me.
Trust in me plays
As i pack your belongings and place them in a trunk
My heart begins to weep of your absence in appearance
I'm left holding your purple sweater
Each fabric brings a recaps of the moments we shared together
An image is drawn of how it looked on you
The smell of the fragrance of "pure seduction" hurts me,
makes me feel sick that your so far away
I look back on days you where here with me
I think about the nights we shared with each other
I think about when there wasn't any clothing
When it was just you and i, bare skin
When sheets where the only fabric.
when "pure seduction" was on your skin instead of in a bottle
on display at victoria along with "candy baby"
I missed it when the detail was mostly in us,
and now all i have is the fabric which i will hold
on to the detail forever

love you so much

Friday, October 9, 2009

live your life

Don't let your mistakes hinder, you let them be a blessing of lesson, let your accidents be signs of warning for the future,but never let the hard times stop you, for it will diffuse your road to happens.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

i never knew love like this before.

I never knew love like this before,that pointed my life in another direction
I don't know why she loves me so much, but i dare not to question.
I never had love like this before.. well once i thought i did,
I thought i could hold to what was lusting me but it slid.

I never had anyone like her before, picks me up when im down,
and straightens me when I'm begin to fold,
always reminding me that she'll always be there for me when the world turns cold.

I know this is real in not just something i dont understand because im to young, but my age and her age makes 40.... well 38, but close enough but are personality's are older then your great grand parents, but are love never ages as if it was the first time, but i cant get enough of her love, I only ask for more,
I'm doing this because,...i never had a love like this before.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

wash away my problems

i stand in the shower for minutes that turn into longer minutes that turn into hours that turn into what feels like forever. the body wash may be good enough to get all the dirt from my body, but its not enough to replenish my soul and rinsing my mind from frustration and pain, no matter how hard i scrub. the tears seem to want to fall but the running water just wont let it, understanding that theirs already enough water flow. i wanna wash the thoughts and i cant no matter how much i try are how long i stay. wondering when is Dove Gentle Exfoliating is gonna make me feel exfoliated from all troubles, all problems, all worries, and make me feel like a new me.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

love does what time does.

its amazing how a moment of a meal and conversation can satisfiy my hunger with just old want no longer is exist for the only thing i need is the bond that we share,that seems pleasing to my soul.
my new wants is just her for she makes me feel as if life was never lived, beauty was never seen before, and as if sweet voices where never heard. my eyes no longer blinded my ears no longer def, for what i see seems to be the unreal to me, please don't let wake me if im dreaming this for better then reality. my eyes captures her movement. as I'm easily drawn to her movement of swagger, and the smiles of nothing even matters but her and i.
it seems as if the world slows down to a calm stop and the moment was made for her and i, for we're the only thing in the universe that still moves, along with time that reminds me that things dont last forever knowing that one day she'll fade....
but ill wait for her to come back to me, like the long hand on the clock because history repeats itself and well love each other over and over in till time stops.